
Quickly and comprehensive way to figure out how this thing works.


  • You can receive weather updates and forecasts directly in DMs by using the weather bot.
  • If a location is not suggested, you can input a place code instead while entering a place. This can be particularly useful. Learn more about this later in the guide.
  • The weather conditions for the entire day from a forecast command are available in the dropdown as an icon.

Weather Command

The weather command, also referred to as /weather, is used to retrieve the current weather. Using it is simple – just type a town, city, or US zip code into the provided option box.

Forecast Command

The forecast command, also known as /forecast, allows you to access the weather forecast. It provides a five-day forecast with updates every three hours. Similar to using /weather, you can enter a town, city, or US zip code in the option box to use this command.

Once the embedded content loads, you will notice three interactive elements: a dropdown menu, a button to view the previous hour, and a button to view the next hour. The dropdown menu lets you jump to specific days and view their weather conditions, while the previous and next hour buttons enable you to navigate backward and forward in time.

Favorite Places

Manage your favorite places with ease using the /addfavorite and /removefavorite commands. These favorites are accessible when you haven't entered anything into the location option box. This feature proves handy while utilizing /weather or /forecast, eliminating the need to type out complete place names. The maximum limit for favorite places is currently set at ten, with the possibility of expansion in the future.


Take advantage of schedules to automate when you receive weather or forecast updates in your DMs. To set up a schedule, use the /addschedule command and follow the prompts. Keep in mind that buttons may function as toggle switches or open modals due to limitations in developer options provided by Discord.

If you need to make changes to an existing schedule, employ the /editschedule command. This will guide you through a process similar to creating a new schedule.

For removal or listing of schedules, the commands /removeschedule and /listschedules are available, performing exactly as their names imply.

Unit System

Tailor the units displayed in weather commands by using the /units command. Choose between two options: Metric or Imperial. Opting for Metric provides Celsius or kilometers per hour, while selecting Imperial offers Fahrenheit or miles per hour measurements.

Clock Format

Customize the clock format in weather commands with the /clock command. You have a choice between two formats: 12-hour (1-12:00-60) and 24-hour (0-23:00-60).

Place Codes

Utilize place codes when a location isn't available in the suggestion list. The easiest way of input a place code by typing the code and then exiting the option box (using the right arrow key) before hitting enter. There are two types of place codes: normal place codes and ZIP place codes.

Normal place codes follow the format place%country code in all lowercase, for example seattle%us.

ZIP place codes use the format &place%zip code. Unlike normal codes, ZIP place codes don't require an accurate place name, serving only as references for your favorites. For instance, &cape disappointment%98644. It's important to note that the Weather Bot exclusively supports US ZIP codes.

CRON Expressions

For more precise control over your schedule, you have the option to use CRON Expressions instead of the usual scheduling method. It's important to note that the Weather Bot exclusively supports Quartz CRON Expressions. If you're unfamiliar with CRON Expressions, here are some resources that can provide assistance: